Bitvoga Loyalty Program

bitvoga members enjoy exclusive Perks, member-only Deals,
and priority Services. Join us to unlock them all!




Exclusive hotel rates *1

Bitvoya platform score x1

You can deduct the room rate on your next reservation

HKD 160
Unconditional coupon
HKD 5000-200
Discount coupon

Trial (One Month)

HKD 160 -50%
HKD 79

Exclusive hotel rates *2

Bitvoya platform score x2

You can deduct the room rate on your next reservation

HKD 160
Unconditional coupon
HKD 5000-200
Discount coupon

Platinum (One Year)

HKD 1299 -30%
HKD 799

Exclusive hotel rates *3

Bitvoya platform score x3

You can deduct the room rate on your next reservation

HKD 160
Unconditional coupon
HKD 5000-200
Discount coupon